Child Care Referral Resources

Locate: Child Care Special Needs Services:  LOCATE specialists help families choose the best care for their children.

Maryland’s Infants and Toddlers Program:  The Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program (MITP) directs a family-centered system of early intervention services for young children with developmental delays and disabilities— and their families. By recognizing each family’s concerns and priorities and focusing on each child’s strengths and needs, the MITP assists families of children with special needs during the first four years of the child’s developmental journey. Support, information, and coordinated services in community settings are what families tell us to enhance their ability to manage the challenges and celebrate the gifts that each child has to offer.

Prince George’s County Public Schools:  The Nonpublic Office supports the provision of specialized instruction for students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. The Nonpublic Office coordinates programs and services to ensure that students with disabilities in nonpublic programs have the same opportunity as their non-disabled age peers to participate and progress in the general education curriculum, to the extent appropriate. Nonpublic Specialists provide case management services to ensure services are delivered in compliance with local, state and federally mandated laws, regulations, and procedures.

Project WIN:  Do you have a child who exhibits challenging behavior? Have you tried almost everything? STOP!!! There is HOPE. Project WIN (Wise Identification Now) or Maryland LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) these programs address the mental health needs of children age birth to five experiencing difficulties in a child care setting. Maryland State Department of Education/Office of Child Care funds Project WIN.

The Arc:  The Arc is committed to the welfare of people with developmental disabilities and their families. The Arc of Prince George’s County is one of over 700 Arc chapters nationwide.